UNESCO is thrilled to unveil the Global Initiative for Information Integrity on Climate Change, officially launched this past Tuesday during the G20 Summit in Rio by the Brazilian Government, the UN Secretariat, and UNESCO.
Bringing together countries, international organizations, and stakeholders worldwide, this new Initiative aims to promote and defend information integrity on climate change, address disinformation, and enhance climate change awareness and action.
By funding in-depth research, strategic advocacy and diplomacy action through the Global Fund for Information Integrity on Climate Change and promoting information integrity on climate change in the international institutional agenda, the Initiative will act as an important intervention to boost support for urgent climate action, at a time when scientists are warning that the world is running out of time.
G20 Leaders’ Summit Launch
Launched during the G20 Leaders’ Summit in Rio de Janeiro by the Brazilian Government, the UN Secretariat, and UNESCO, the initiative highlighted the urgency of the situation and issued a rallying call for the international community to take action.
On this occasion, Brazil, Chile, Denmark, France, Morocco, Sweden, and the United Kingdom have alreadypublicly announced their support for the Initiative through the Global Fund for Information Integrity on Climate Change.
High-level quotes from the G20 Leaders’ Summit:
“Without access to reliable information about climate disruption we can never hope to overcome it. Through this initiative, we will support the journalists and researchers investigating climate issues, sometimes at great risk to themselves, and fight the climate-related disinformation running rampant on social media.”
Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO’s Director-General
“We must fight the coordinated disinformation campaigns impeding global progress on climate change, ranging from outright denial to greenwashing to harassment of climate scientists. Through this Initiative, we will work with researchers and partners to strengthen action against climate disinformation”
UN Secretary-General António Guterres
“Actions to combat climate change are also greatly affected by denialism and disinformation. Countries cannot tackle this problem individually. This initiative will bring together countries, international organizations, and networks of researchers to support joint efforts to combat disinformation and promote actions in preparation for COP30 in Brazil.”
President Lula
Countering environmental disinformation
As the risks of climate change become increasingly evident worldwide, the need for reliable and accurate information is more crucial than ever. However, climate disinformation is also increasingly spreading through social media, messaging apps, and generative AI, undermining scientific consensus, obstructing authorities’ ability to respond effectively to the crisis, and threatening the safety of journalists on the ground.
The Global Initiative for Information Integrity on Climate Change aims to produce and gather evidence on the impact of disinformation on climate issues. Structured through a Global Fund, an Institutional Agenda, and Campaigns on Climate Change, the Initiative addresses the need for policies that protect information integrity, safeguard those reporting on climate issues, and support the development of informed global climate action.
To learn more
- UNESCO | Global Initiative for Information Integrity on Climate Change
- UNITED NATIONS | Global Initiative for Information Integrity on Climate Change
- G20 Brasil 2024 | Fact or Fake? Brasil, UN, and UNESCO launch Global Initiative for Information Integrity on Climate Change
G20 Rio de Janeiro Leaders’ Declaration
In addition to launching the Global Initiative for Information Integrity on Climate Change, UNESCO welcomes the G20 Rio de Janeiro Leaders’ Declaration, announced at the conclusion of the G20 meetings. This declaration emphasizes the importance of recognizing the impact of changes in the digital ecosystem on the creation and sharing of information, particularly regarding misinformation and disinformation.
G20 Rio de Janeiro Leaders’ Declaration, paragraph 29:
«We recognize that digital platforms have reshaped the digital ecosystem and online interactions by amplifying information dissemination and facilitating communication within and across geographical boundaries. However, the digitization of the information realm and the accelerated evolution of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), has dramatically impacted the speed, scale and reach of misinformation and disinformation, hate speech and other forms of online harms.
In this sense, we emphasize the need for digital platforms’ transparency and responsibility in line with relevant policies and applicable legal frameworks and will work with platforms and relevant stakeholders in this regard. Transparency, with appropriate safeguards, and explainability regarding data, algorithms and content moderation that respects intellectual property rights and privacy, and data protection can be key for building healthy information ecosystems.»
This announcement follows the comprehensive work undertaken by the G20 Digital Economy Working Group’s Focus on Information Integrity and Trust, in which UNESCO served as a key knowledge partner. This collaboration highlights UNESCO’s commitment to promoting trustworthy information and addressing challenges such as misinformation within the digital economy.
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For more information on UNESCO’s work regarding information integrity:
Mr. Guilherme Canela
Chief Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists Section – Communication and Information Sector
Email: g.godoi@unesco.org